Chemical Processing

concrete repair services Solutions for Chemical Processing Structures

Solutions for Chemical Processing Facilities

concrete repair services

Given the complex processes that take place in chemical facilities involving high temperatures and exposure to chemicals, management at these facilities benefit from partnering with PULLMAN, who understands the complexities of working in such conditions.

PULLMAN provides owners with specialty repair, enhancement, and improvement solutions that will last—ensuring the integrity and uninterrupted operations of production processes.

Technology-Driven Engineered Solutions


We perform comprehensive specialty contracting services on a variety of refining and petrochemical structure types, including:

  • Fin Fan Units
  • Ethylene Units
  • Chimneys & Stacks
  • Cooling Towers
  • Sulfur Pits
  • Tanks & Vessels
  • Secondary Containments
  • Equipment Foundations
  • Water Treatment Units
  • Ancillary Structures:
    • Elevated Slabs
    • Beams & Columns
    • Pipe Supports
    • Trenches & Sumps
    • Docks & Piers

PULLMAN combines our specialty contracting capabilities with the value-added products and engineering support services of STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES  to deliver customized, cost-effective, and long-lasting solutions for infrastructure in the chemical processing market.

Whether making upgrades during a planned shutdown or repairing critical infrastructure while a facility remains online, PULLMAN employs the most effective and efficient repair techniques for a given environment to ensure that our clients’ critical operations are not affected.

Work crews from 2 to 200+, trained in the safety requirements and repair techniques for each project, and dispatched from locations nationwide, are available to work around the clock, 365 days a year, to safely complete projects under the tightest schedules and toughest working conditions.
