Solutions for Chemical Processing Facilities

Technology-Driven Engineered Solutions
We perform comprehensive specialty contracting services on a variety of refining and petrochemical structure types, including:
- Fin Fan Units
- Ethylene Units
- Chimneys & Stacks
- Cooling Towers
- Sulfur Pits
- Tanks & Vessels
- Secondary Containments
- Equipment Foundations
- Water Treatment Units
- Ancillary Structures:
- Elevated Slabs
- Beams & Columns
- Pipe Supports
- Trenches & Sumps
- Docks & Piers
PULLMAN combines our specialty contracting capabilities with the value-added products and engineering support services of STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES to deliver customized, cost-effective, and long-lasting solutions for infrastructure in the chemical processing market.
Whether making upgrades during a planned shutdown or repairing critical infrastructure while a facility remains online, PULLMAN employs the most effective and efficient repair techniques for a given environment to ensure that our clients’ critical operations are not affected.
Work crews from 2 to 200+, trained in the safety requirements and repair techniques for each project, and dispatched from locations nationwide, are available to work around the clock, 365 days a year, to safely complete projects under the tightest schedules and toughest working conditions.