Pier 54 Repair

Pier 54 Repair

Pier 54 Repair


New York, New York

Project Team
  • Owner: Hudson River Park Trust
  • Engineer of Record: Stantec Consulting Services, Inc
  • General Contractor: Deborah Bradley Construction & Management Services, Inc
  • Specialty Contractor: PULLMAN
  • Conservator: Jablonski Building Conservation

Built in 1900, Pier 54 is a historic landmark at the New York Hudson River Park and Waterfront. Located where surviving Titanic passengers disembarked the Carpathia, history echoes through the air.

During the construction of the new Pier 55, also known as the “Little Island” and restoration of Pier 57 (a PULLMAN project), the owner decided to repurpose the Pier 54 steel arch remnant into a gateway leading to these piers. PULLMAN was hired as the specialty contractor to perform structural repairs to the steel elements based on our experience and our appreciation for this historic project.

Throughout the project, the main challenge was working around two active construction sites. Each day workers and large vehicles had to pass under the project’s scaffolding to access the “Little Island” project. PULLMAN customized the shoring and access scaffolding to allow over-height construction equipment to pass underneath. Over 90 steel connections were replaced or repaired, using various methods based on their individual deteriorated conditions. Each connection was refinished to match the members left undisturbed.

The project was completed on budget and according to schedule with minimal change orders. The restored Pier 54 arch now serves as an entryway to Pier 57 and the “Little Island” to visitors from all over the world.