807 Park Ave Building Envelope Repair

807 Park Ave Building Envelope Repair

807 Park Ave Building Envelope Repair


New York, New York

Project Team
  • Owner: Patrick L. A. Verdonck
  • Engineer of Record: Kaese Architecture
  • Material Supplier: Sto Corporation
  • General Contractor: Paragon Restoration Company
  • Specialty Contractor: PULLMAN

807 Park Ave is in the Upper East Side Historic District in Manhattan. Built in 1898, the cast iron framed 12-story building serves as a residence and houses a medical clinic.

The building envelope began leaking, with rainwater infiltrating the building interior, as well as air leakage. This was compromising the building’s energy efficiency. PULLMAN was selected to provide specialty contracting services to repair the structure.

The scope of work included demolition of the existing stucco building coating system, brick repair to exterior masonry walls, including parging in some areas. Once demolition began, it was discovered that the existing EIFS system did not meet energy code and had de-bonded in many areas. Special approval was needed to remove stucco and install the EIFS system on the east and south elevations of the building.

After reinstallation, the masonry was rebuilt, new flashing at the windows was provided, and an air and vapor barrier was installed.

At two balconies, PULLMAN removed quarry tile and setting beds, re-profiled the slabs, and installed a waterproofing application over roughened concrete. Metal copings were installed on balcony copings. Lastly, the penthouse and elevator machine room were cleaned and coated.

During the execution of the project, the team discovered a cast iron drainage pipe that had backed up with sand from the quarry tile due to lack of cleaning for years. A 40-foot length pipe was replaced by PULLMAN crews in four locations, as were two-floor drains.

Both the medical clinic and homes remained active during construction. Extra care was taken to ensure safety while staying on budget and maintaining a tight schedule. The goal of completing all work before the school year was successful.