Maintenance Services

Maintenance Services

concrete repair services concrete repair services concrete repair services concrete repair services concrete repair services

Maintenance Services for Industrial & Power Facilities

Specialized Expertise for Civil & Structural Assets

The skills and experience required to repair civil and structural infrastructure are decidedly different from those required to maintain mechanical and process equipment. PULLMAN, a licensee of STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ products and technical support services, is widely recognized as the industry leader in concrete and structural repair. Our local service, combined with the engineering and materials expertise of STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES makes PULLMAN the ideal partner for your facility’s civil and structural maintenance.

Our maintenance programs are facilitated with local solution builders who are ready to help with known problems or emergencies. Our solution builders are supported by Structural Technologies’ network of subject matter experts – which allows us to rapidly develop and implement long-lasting repair solutions.

We build and implement maintenance programs for:

  • Chimneys & Stacks
  • Equipment Foundations
  • Secondary Containment Areas
  • Columns, Beams & Slabs
  • Pipe Racks
  • Support Structures
  • Vessels / Tanks
  • Pits / Vaults
  • Docks & Piers

Systematic Models for Infrastructure Maintenance

PULLMAN’s infrastructure maintenance and management models have been developed to creatively solve some of the most challenging issues with concrete, steel and their protective systems. Our approach can be utilized either proactively or reactively:

Reactive Maintenance for Existing Problems

Our experienced Solution Builders respond quickly to your problem with the solution- cost- and quick implemention; cutting down on unexpected down times, and loss of productivity.

concrete repair services
Proactive Maintenance Programs

PULLMAN’s Solution Builders offer our clients proactive tools and expertise to assist with planning and budgeting for infrastructure maintenance throughout a structure, unit or facility.

Level 1: Condition Observation Walkthrough

Our team performs a walkthrough evaluation and visual observation of selected civil and structural assets. Following the walkthrough, your Solution Builder will debrief on the following:

  • Overall observations
  • Areas in need of further investigation
  • Areas in need of repair
Level 2: Plant-Wide Condition Management System (PCMS™)

Through a field investigation, we document the current condition of civil and structural assets to identify deterioration trends and prioritize repair and maintenance programs – before serious problems occur. The key deliverable of a PCMS™ is a report that typically provides:

  • Quantification of units found satisfactory
  • Location & identification of assets with hazardous conditions
  • Location & identification of assets with diminished serviceability/durability

Why Choose PULLMAN?


We are experienced repair and maintenance providers who understand your environment and safety standards.


PULLMAN is recognized as a leader in civil and structural repair. Our knowledge and experience translates into developing the best solutions for our clients.


PULLMAN’s team is supported by STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES in-house engineers, material science experts and product specialists to provide turn-key maintenance or, design/build solutions.


We move efficiently from problem identification to solution implementation.


PULLMAN serves as a single source of accountability for design and construction.


Whether achieved through implementation (construction) or through life-cycle extension (durability), our solutions are driven by value for the client.

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